Thanks for taking an interest in my website.

I started writing at a young age, mostly short stories and poetry, but it wasn't until I left a banking career that I was fortunate enough to be able to write full time. I currently reside in Kent, UK, and I am Mama to Mia and writer to all!

You can  read my short stories (not autobiographical I will point out!) and some snippets from my novels.

I've written several novels, all of which are available at www.amazon.com 

My debut novel Rose is available at www.authorhouse.com  and further novels at www.roguephoenixpress.com

Please also check out my recently published book, Twenty 77 - The Secret Entrepreneur, at www.twenty77.com

Visit my author pages at:

 www.amazon.com/author/amandaarmstrong or https://authorcentral.amazon.co.uk/gp/books

And mostly, happy reading :-)